Monday, May 17, 2010

29 and I Should Still Listen to my Mom

I am happy to announce that a few things finally went right today!  

1.  I received a blog award from Melissa at Frugal Creativity.
Thank you, I am so flattered!

2.  Stephanie Lynn at Under the Table and Dreaming featured my Welcome Post/Sign Hanger Thing!
Thank you so much!

3.  My Mom was right again....I'm 29 and I should still listen to her.  Last week when my car wouldn't start she said "are you sure it's not the battery?"  I said "no, I just replaced it last year when the fuel pump went out."  My dad said it could be a starter solenoid (don't ask me, I had to google it to spell it correctly), my uncle said it could be fuel filter, my grampa said it could be bad gas.  Anyway I dropped it off this morning at the shop and they called me 2:30 to tell me they fixed my car and charged me $23!  $23????  I can't even get a half a tank of gas for $23!  Mark (the mechanic) said they tested the charging system and it checked out, so they tested the battery.........bad battery (luckily for me it was still under warranty so it was FREE)!  Anyway the moral of the story?  Always, always, always listen to your Mom.  She is always right!


  1. As the mom of 4 daughters I hope they heed your advice LOL!!

  2. Hah! They are always right!! Hopefully our kids will agree...

  3. Hi Kenzie...I just came across your blog via under the table and I have to say I'm in love :) Can I come be your crafting neighbor/bff :) You are so talented I love it!! I will be making a "welcome" post for my porch this weekend :) Thanks for sharing your great craft ideas!!


  4. I'm 32 and I still listen to my mom too . . . but sssssshhhhhh . . . it's just our secret!

  5. Moms are smart ladies! Wow you've been up to so much while I've been gone, I've got a lot to read up on.
