Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not Yet

Just an FYI...

I am still having a pity party.  And NO I have not put on my big girl panties. 

Last night I dropped the girls off at my gramma's so I could go to WalMart for an hour by myself because I was about to lose it.  No really, I tried to hide from my kids....they found me in the closet and I had only been in there for 30 seconds!
1 week left before Ben gets home.  I will survive!  And maybe I will put on my big girl panties tomorrow, maybe, don't hold your breath, we will see.


  1. In your defense, it's hard to put on your big girl panties because your dog ate them!! Hang in there sweetie! And don't forget that everyone loves getting to keep the girls--there's no reason to hide in the closet :)

  2. Hmm...maybe while you're pretending to write a grocery list you could really be writing a potential hiding spots list. Or at least watch the kids this week and see where they hide -- those are the spots you want to avoid for your hiding spots! Up the shopping -- that definitely helps...even if you only buy a new chapstick!

  3. Good luck finding your big girl panties! We all need a little time alone...and Walmart is a great place to have it! I hope you saw some good people watching.

  4. Hey!! You are the best and you are so great at everything you do...seriously!! Give yourself a pat on the back...times ten! I love you so much and miss you like you will never know!!! You're neat!!

  5. Funny post.

  6. Awwww... everyone needs a break now and then -- thank goodness you live near your mom who can cover for you in a pinch :).
    I have definitely had moments where I've had to step out of my classroom to regain my cool!
