Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Weekends Over?!?!

I can't believe the weekend is already over.  :(  I am so upset, it was finally nice two days in a row and now I have to go back to work....booo!  Oh well, I did get a lot accomplished this weekend.  Yesterday I made my cute little welcome post!  And today we moved junk around cleaned out the garage, cleaned off the back patio and drug out the water table.  My girls love the water table, me?  Not so much.  Kie and Tay changed clothes 3 times in 45 minutes because they kept getting wet. 

And yesterday afternoon, my car wouldn't start again and the blower on my furnace/central air went out not even 24 hours after my husband left.  Cripes!  So tomorrow I will drop my car off at the shop and try to get a hold of the HVAC guy to come fix my central air.  The last time my air conditioner was broken it was the middle of July and I was 9 months pregnant.  After being miserable in the house for 2 days I called someone to come fix it.  I was at work and Ben was at home when he came.  He informed my husband that everything was working correctly and it was me.  I was 9 months pregnant and it was 100 degrees out!  That was a waste of $60!

And I got a present tonight!  My favorite uncle bought me my very own countersink bits!  Yes!!!  Well I am off to unload the dishwasher and pack the diaper bag.  Happy 9 o'clock Dance of Joy!


  1. Yikes . . . I hope nothing else breaks today! :)

  2. So I actually really do have a Cricut. lol. But not a lot of fonts because the cartridges are so expensive. Do you know if I can still use Sure Cuts a Lot on a regular cricut? I've been looking it up and can't figure out if it only works on the expression... just wondering if you knew :)

  3. You are just too funny Kenzie! I laughed right out loud. Sorry for the broken things though. But what can you do? You can cry or you can laugh...or you can cry and then laugh. Sounds like you laughed...I love the name 9 o'clock happy dance. I can so relate!
